Adam and Eve were originally covered by God’s presence as a robe that wrapped them in light. It was His Glory which is His Character that illuminated the holy pair in Eden ( His Glory or righteousness and Attributes/Identity/Character) that they were clothed by. This clothing was proof of a connection with God that would have remained inseparable were it not for Satan’s malicious hatred for this immortal garment. It was the first object of his attack that caused Satan to move upon the human race in seeking to strip them of the garment of Eternal Life, to be shut out of the presence of God, and accompany him in his own fatal end. This was his object in seeking to tempt mankind.
The recognition that the righteousness of Christ (HIS CHARACTER) is given to us (TO REPAIR, RESTORE US, TO SAVE) not because of any value of of our own, but because of God’s own willingness to give to the unworthy the free gift of eternal life is a marvelous revelation. Satan is not willing that this truth shall be known, because if it is understood his power will be destroyed. We must accept this gift fully, practically for God to work in us “to will and to do of his good pleasure” Philippians 2:13
Here’s a gift that’s totally, and completely undeserved, and yet God has made it fully available to us if we will accept it as a gift… He takes away our sin and covers us in his robe of righteousness, it is not the life of the christian who seeks to obey God that saves us; it is the perfection of Christ that covers our life. We receive the credit of Christ life, and Jesus takes our debt of sin in exchange. Jesus life is so abundant that He has enough infinitely perfect life to save the whole world, “him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out” (him means all, everyone). John 6:37 Now that this gift has been received the heart of appreciation will respond in submission to the will to Christ. “Joh 14:15 If ye love me, keep my commandments.
for more on this article read this link Deeper into the Blessings of God and Removal of All Curses